PVC Conveyor Belts
Polyvinyl chloride, otherwise known as PVC, is a slick material that boasts strong chemical and heat resistances. This makes it the standard choice of those in the food insdustry. PVC belts are great for applications such as material handling; bakery production; and the processing of most meat, fish, and dairy products. Additionally, PVC belting is generally antistatic and can withstand stress from hot water and steam.
At Texas Belting & Supply, we’ve worked hard to compile a wide range of PVC conveyor belting to ensure our customers always have choices. Many of these products offer the ideal strength and durability for general use. However, we carry several heavy-duty PVC conveyor belt materials as well to fulfill the needs of different industries. Check out what we have to offer below.

PVC B120 Friction Both Sides is a medium duty general purpose conveyor belt that can be used in most industries. This is a very popular belt for trash conveyors. We also include this belt in our food line as it is an excellent depanner belt. This belt is fire resistant. This belt features the popular interwoven carcass. It offers high strength, tear resistance, low stretch and high lace retention.

PVC B120 Cover One Side is a medium duty general purpose conveyor belt that can be used in most industries. Made in the USA. This belt features the popular interwoven carcass and a smooth PVC top cover. The bottom cover is brushed clean to lower the coefficient of friction. It offers high strength, low stretch and high lace retention.

PVC B120 Cover Both Sides is popular in live roller applications as well as a light duty bucket elevator belt. It is popular in the peanut and coffee industry. This belt is not for use in slider belt applications. This belt features PVC covers on both sides. The tightly woven polyester resists fraying and is stretch resistant.

PVC B150 Friction Both Sides is a medium duty general purpose conveyor belt that can be used in most industries. This belt features the popular interwoven carcass. It offers high strength, tear resistance and low stretch.

B150 COS
PVC B150 Cover One Side is a medium duty general purpose conveyor belt that can be used in most industries including recycling, package conveying, fruits, vegetables and baggage. This belt features the popular interwoven carcass. The bottom surface is brushed clean to lower the coefficient of friction. It offers high strength, tear resistance and low stretch.

PVC B150 Cover Both Sides is popular in live roller applications as well as a light duty bucket elevator belt. It is popular in the peanut and coffee industry. This belt features PVC covers on both sides. The tightly woven polyester resists fraying and is stretch resistant.

PVC B200 Friction Both Sides is used in heavy duty applications such as stamping plants as well as package sorting and diverting. This belt features a tough carcass that is ideal for oily and abrasive areas and stamping plants. The belt is very stable and stays in place when diverted or sorted upon.

PVC B200 Cover One Side is a heavy duty general purpose conveyor belt that can be used in most industries. It offers high strength, tear resistance and low stretch. This belt features the popular interwoven carcass as well as a smooth PVC Top Cover. The bottom surface is brushed clean for a lower coefficient of friction.

PVC B200 Cover Both Sides is a popular medium duty bucket elevator belt or can be used as a heavy duty live roller belt. It is static conductive to less than 300 megohms per the OSHA requirement for bucket elevator conveyor belts. Do not use this belt in slider bed applications. This belt features oil resistant PVC covers on both sides. The tightly woven fabric resists fraying, is stretch resistant and resists bolt pullout.

2 Ply PVC B225 CBS
PC2 B225 Cover Both Sides is popular where a stable cross rigid belt is required. It is an excellent light duty bucket elevator belt. This belt features a 2 plies of interwoven fabric bonded together to create a tough, flat running conveyor belt.

PVC B350 Cover Both Sides is a popular heavy duty bucket elevator belt and a heavy duty live roller belt. The thick carcass has good bolt retention. It is static conductive to less than 300 megohms per the OSHA requirement for bucket elevator conveyor belts. This belt features an fire retardant, static conductive, oil resistant PVC. The tightly woven carcass resists fraying, has low stretch and has good lace retention. Do not use this belt on a slider bed application.

PVC B450 Cover Both Sides is popular as a heavy duty bucket elevator belt or as a heavy live roller belt. Do not use this product in a slider bed application. It is static conductive to less than 300 megohms per the OSHA requirement for bucket elevator conveyor belts. This belt features fire retardant, static conductive, oil resistant PVC covers on both sides. The tightly woven fabric resists fraying, is stretch resistant and has good bolt retention.

PVC W120 COS Plus
PVC W120 Cover One Side Plus can be used as a general purpose food handling belt. It can be used in some chicken and meat applications depending on the conditions. This belt features a smooth oil resistant PVC cover with a tightly interwoven polyester carcass. Special additives as blended with the PVC compound to enhance resistance to animal and vegetable oils. Specialty fabrication is popular on this belt.

PVC W120 COS Standard
PVC W120 Cover One Side Standard is a general purpose food handling belt. It is not recommended for chicken or meat processing. Direct food contact is permitted with this belt. This belt features a smooth PVC cover with a tightly interwoven polyester carcass. The belt will lie flat and resist stretch. This belt will offer vegetable oil resistance but no animal oil resistance. Specialty fabrication is popular on this belt.

PVC W100 PVC Rough Top-HI
PVC W100 PVC Rough Top-HI can be used as a general purpose incline belt where the incline is moderate. It is FDA compliant for use in some food applications. This belt features the popular interwoven carcass with a hemp impression rough top cover.

PVC W150 Cover One Side can be used as a heavy duty, general purpose food handling belt. Depending on conditions this belt can be used in some chicken and meat handling applications. This belt features a smooth, oil resistant PVC cover with a tightly interwoven polyester carcass. This belt will resist stretch, lie flat and offer some oil resistance.

PVC W200 Cover One Side can be used as a heavy duty, general purpose food handling belt. Depending on conditions it can be used in some chicken and meat handling applications. This belt features a smooth, oil resistant PVC cover with a tightly interwoven polyester carcass. This belt will lie flat, resist stretch and offer some oil resistance.

PVC W200 Cover Both Sides can be used as a general purpose food handling belt. It can be used for light duty bucket elevators. Depending on conditions it can be used in chicken and meat applications. Do not use this belt in slider bed applications. This belt features a smooth oil resistant PVC cover with a tightly interwoven polyester carcass. This belt will lie flat, resist stretch and offer some oil resistance.

PVC W120 Crescent Top - MOR
PVC W120 Crescent Top is very popular in the agricultural industry for the movement of bulk materials and in the post office to move small packages. This belt features the popular interwoven carcass with an 1/8" high half moon (crescent) impression. The belt has a brushed bottom for a low coefficient of friction. The PVC compound is oil resistant.

Poli Quad-Q
Poli Quad-Q features a soft PVC compound. It has a high grip/low friction surface. This belt is used for general conveying, sorting and for transfer applications.

Mono-Tote is recommended wherever a high grip incline belt is needed such are the conveying of totes, and acceleration belt, decline belt, gapping belt, incline belt, induction belt, line belt and sorting belt. It has been developed for low noise. This belt features and exceptionally soft compound with molded grooves that self clean when going around pulleys. This belt is Anti-Static and is available in a flame retardant compound conforming to ISO 340.

Green PVC Rough Top
Green PVC Rough Top can be used as a general purpose incline belt where the incline angle is moderate. This belt features the popular interwoven carcass with a conventional hemp impression rough top.

Poli-Glide CL8 A/S
Poli-Glide CL8 A/S is a general conveying belt. It is suitable for use on a slider bed or carrying rollers. It is used in distribution centers, packaging, furniture manufacturing, plastics manufacturing and in the wood industry. his belt is a general conveying belt in applications such as an infeed belt, discharge belt, line belt and an inspection/control belt.

Poli-Glide CL12 A/S
Poli-Glide CL12 A/S is a general conveying belt. It is suitable for use on a slider bed or carrying rollers. It is used in distribution centers, packaging, furniture manufacturing, plastics manufacturing and in the wood industry. 4-1012 is available in a flame retardant compound conforming to ISO 340.

Mono-Glide 8M/5P/BP
Mono-Glide 8M/5P/BP is the most popular checkout counter belt. It is also popular with the conveying of small parts, treadmills and packaging machines. This belt features a ply of monofilament and a balancing ply. This combination results in a non-curling, stable, positive tracking belt. This belt is also anti-static.

APC Belt, .187" OAG, Box of 250 ft. x 4 in. wide
The APC belt features a modified A-Section V-Guide. It is manufactured to a specific thickness. It is sold by the box in 250 ft. lengths. This is designed for specific Live Roller applications.

APC Belt, .220" OAG, Box of 250 ft. x 4 in. wide
The APC belt features a modified A-Section V-Guide. It is manufactured to a specific thickness. It is sold by the box in 250 ft. lengths. This is designed for specific Live Roller applications.