When Is an Incline Conveyor Belt Necessary?

Conveyor systems are precise and complex. They can move products in all sorts of directions thanks to specialized belts and conveyor elements. In this post, we’re going to take a look at incline belts to show you when an incline conveyor belt is necessary.

Making Use of Vertical Space

When you have a small facility, it’s vital that you use every inch of space you have. It’s not enough to just think in two dimensions—you need to think vertically as well. Incline and decline belts make better space efficiency possible by moving products from one level of a conveyor system to another.

Let Machines Do the Heavy Lifting

Back injuries make up almost 20 percent of all workplace injuries in the United States. Those injuries often occur when employees are tasked with carrying heavy boxes or equipment. Improper carrying techniques and overworking employees are two major contributing factors. You can eliminate the risk of back-related injuries at work by making incline conveyor belts do all the heavy lifting.

Increase Productivity

Not only can machines move heavy objects with less risk, but they’re also faster than human workers. Conveyor belts don’t need to take a lunch break, meaning they can work continuously. They can also move dozens or hundreds of products at a time versus what a person can move with their hands. Using incline belts will make it faster to move products between levels of a conveyor operation.

Protect Delicate Products

An incline conveyor belt does more than act as a chute or ramp. Incline belts use cleats to separate products and keep them held in place during transit. For delicate products, the cleats also help prevent clumping, which can lead to broken products. Some examples of delicate goods that benefit from incline conveyors include:

  • Chips
  • Crackers
  • Glass
  • Cookies
  • Meat
  • Pet food

Finding Quality Incline Belts

Now that you know when incline conveyor belts are necessary, you may be wondering where you can get this type of conveyor belting. Texas Belting and Supply is proud to offer 12 styles of incline belting, including rough top, steepgrade, mini bucket, and food grade cleated belting. If you don’t see exactly what you’re looking for, ask us about our custom belting options.